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  3. Function: boardImageURLUpload

Function: boardImageURLUpload


boardImageURLUpload retrieves an image from a URL and places it on the board. The image is placed at the “origin”; that is, the location on the board where a user is placed the first time they visit the board. Like all Limnu assets, anyone can move or resize the image once it is on the board.


Input parameters:

  1. apiKey: string - the private API key issued by Limnu to developers.
  2. boardId: string - the boardId of the board you wish to upload into, as issued by boardCreate.
  3. imageURL: string- the URL for an web-available image.

Call attribute details: imageURL

It is important that the URL you provide to this function actually goes to an image, and not a full web page. Many image servers and image search engines provide URLs that take you to a web page instead of the bare image. Passing in a URL that does not point to a bare image is the most common source of failures for this function.

It’s also important that the URL you provide be publicly accessible on the internet. If the image is only available within your own network, the call will fail. If the image can only be accessed after logging into a service, the call will fail. Passing in a URL that not publicly accessible on the internet is the second most common source of failures for this function.

Limnu currently supports JPEG, PNG, and GIF formats. (GIFs containing animations will only show a single frame on a Limnu board.) If you would like Limnu to support other formats, please contact support@drawlala.com.

Response attribute details: fileId

fileId is the permanent, unique identifier for the new image.

Example data

Example of correct JSON input:


"apiKey": "K_isR4E6qcQamY0NxFuKa9aw7k5hssRBQXuqpStgR1qU1A",

"boardId": "B_B7LyhbF2QGaCV4",

"imageURL": "http://www.brycecanyon.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/main-01d.jpg"


Example of JSON output from a successful call:


"success": true,

"fileId": "I_X7LD9O4CTGFHN2fbDUsG"


Example of JSON output from a failed call:


"success": false,

"reason": "No such board: B_B7LyhbF2QGaCV4"


Command Line Testing

Here’s an example of how to test boardImageURLUpload from the command line:

curl \

https://api.drawlala.com/v1/boardImageURLUpload \

--request POST \

--header "Content-Type: application/json" \

--data @boardImageURLUpload.json


The contents of the file named boardImageURLUpload.json are:


"apiKey": "K_isR4E6qcQamY0NxFuKa9aw7k5hssRBQXuqpStgR1qU1A",

"boardId": "B_B7LyhbF2QGaCV4",

"imageURL": "http://www.brycecanyon.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/main-01d.jpg"
